This inquiry-based middle school internet scavenger hunt is designed to enrich students' scholastic journey by providing a thought-provoking and engaging internet scavenger hunt focused on mathematics. This latest edition of the Internet scavenger series is designed to help students learn essential mathematical facts while developing vital skills of critical thinking, problem-solving, and comprehension.
Google Forms
As a seasoned educator, I am thrilled to offer you this meticulously designed Webquest scavenger hunt that is perfect for consolidation activities and requires no preparation. This innovative resource boasts a Google Forms version of the questionnaire, making it an ideal choice for distance learning that effortlessly fits into your curriculum. This remarkable teaching tool will enable your students to hone their abilities to respond to compelling questions, seek information from credible sources, and enhance their overall proficiency in research.
The Research
According to Education World, ''Internet scavenger hunts are a means for students to enhance their problem-solving and reading abilities while learning to search the Internet.'' This pedagogical approach has emerged as one of the most popular and effective means of consolidating students' understanding of different topics. As a teacher, I have been using internet scavenger hunts to galvanize my students' learning experiences, and I must say, the results are astonishing. It's a fantastic way to introduce your students to technology and prepare them for the digital world. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to enrich your students' learning journey!
Is this resource for you?
- Distance Learning: As more schools adopt distance learning models, resources like internet scavenger hunts can be invaluable for keeping students engaged and motivated while learning from home. This resource's Google Forms questionnaire version makes it an ideal choice for distance learning.
- Consolidation Activities: This resource is perfect for consolidation activities because it is self-contained and requires no preparation. It can be an excellent way for students to reinforce their understanding of different mathematical topics while developing their research skills.
- Substitute Teachers: When a teacher is absent, it can be challenging for a substitute teacher to pick up where the regular teacher left off. A resource like this internet scavenger hunt can provide a structured activity for students to work on while the substitute teacher gets up to speed.
- Supply Plans: In cases where a teacher needs to take a leave of absence, this resource can be an excellent addition to supply plans. It is easy to use, requires no preparation, and can provide a meaningful learning experience for students even when their regular teacher is absent.
This resource includes:
- 50 unique fact questions or statements
- long response pages (elaborating on their answers)
- ''create your list'' activity
- answer key
- Google Forms version of questions (just added)
- Extended activities page added 03/02/2023
Middle School Internet Scavenger Hunt | Math In The Real World
6th - 10th
English Language Arts, Math
Research, Independent Work Packet