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In this Grade 7 Ontario French Science Interactions in the Environment unit, students will learn about environmental interactions by studying the difference between biotic and abiotic elements, analyzing the Earth's various cycles, and determining the effect of pollution on our climate and vegetation, among other expectations. This science resource meets the overall and specific expectations of the Ontario Grade 7 Science Curriculum.


Many students do not like reading textbooks because their content is often very dry and dull. Most books get straight to the point and lose the interest of students. By purchasing this educational resource, you will notice that this package is written differently. It is informal, filled with jokes, and attempts to teach students on a personal level. Additionally, it encourages them to try conducting their own independent scientific experiments at home based on inquiry. I wanted to write it as if I were conversing with your students. It is a short unit (compared to textbook units), but it is filled with embedded links, QR codes, an online version of all chapter questions, unit tests, and "independent research." It contains everything you need to cover the specific and overall expectations of the Ontario Science Curriculum.


You have nothing else to do but print it. However, some scientific experiments may require some preparation. I have included quizzes and chapter work in PDF and Google Forms formats. Use these tasks as consolidation homework or discussion topics in your class! The content of this package is relevant and accurate. It will not hinder their understanding!


✬Chapter Information:

Chapter 1: Biotic, eh?

Chapter 2: Consumer, isn't it?

Chapter 3: Energy, Cycles, and Changes

Chapter 4: System Change, Not Climate Change

Chapter 5: Case Study


In this unit, you will find:

  • Vocabulary sheets

  • Printable student journals

  • Reading and activity sheets

  • Answer keys

  • Study questions

  • Google Forms quizzes and QR codes

  • Unit test

  • New 2022 content - New curriculum - Small research project

  • New 2022 content - PPT

Grade 7 Ontario French Science | Interactions In The Environment


    7th, Homeschool


    Science, Earth Sciences, en Français


    Workbooks, Worksheets, Unit Plans


    PDF, PPT



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