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Grade 6 Unit Information: Students will learn to evaluate the social and environmental costs and benefits of space exploration, use technological problem-solving skills to design, build, and test devices, and describe the effects of the relative positions and motions of the earth, moon, and sun. There are other expectations covered in this resource. See Preview. This teacher resource follows Ontario's Grade 6 Science Curriculum. 


I'll get straight to the point. Many students don't enjoy reading textbooks because the content is often very dry and bland. Most books get straight to the point, losing student interest. Upon purchasing this teaching resource, you'll notice that this packet is written differently. It's informal, loaded with jokes, and tries to teach students on a personal level. I wanted to write it as if I were conversing with your students. It's a short unit (compared to textbook units), but it is filled with embedded links and QR codes, a science experiment, and engaging readings. It has everything you need to cover the specific and global expectations of the Ontario science curriculum.


I would consider this resource "low-prep" as there is nothing required of you but to print it. However, there may be some science experiments that require some setup. I've included some chapter quizzes/assignments in PDF and Google Forms. Use these tasks as consolidation assignments or discussion topics in your classroom! The content of this packet is relevant and accurate. It will not impede their understanding!


This Unit has 6 Chapters:

- Chapter 1: To The Moon

- Chapter 2: Tis The Season

- Chapter 3: Out Of This World

- Chapter 4: Over The Moon

- Chapter 5: Comets And Stuff

- Chapter 6: Space, Technology, And Space Peopleè


It also includes:

  • Engaging Readings 
  • QR codes and embedded links 
  • A sundial experiment 
  • A persuasive paragraph assignment 
  • A mini PowerPoint assignment 
  • A Moon phase booklet 
  • Unit test + chapter questions
  • A fillable version of response pages (distance-learning approved)


PPT lesson + Vocabulary pages coming soon.


Earth and Space Systems Inquiry-Based Learning Resource Information:


Using infographics, students will learn about Planets. This resource touches on various specific expectations of Ontario's Science Curriculum strand: Earth and Space Systems.


Approximately 65% of students are visual learners (according to Google). Infographics are effective visual learning aids in the classroom because they're easier to read than conventional informational texts. Most junior, intermediate, and high school teachers would agree that infographics are a great way of displaying information as they are visually appealing. They're perfect for differentiating learning as well.


Incorporating infographics in your classroom helps students think critically about a topic, data set, or complex idea. They entice your students to logically organize information and look at a set of data from a different perspective. Infographics are an excellent way for teachers to meet literacy standards, regardless of where they teach.


Students will learn about planets and practice reading infographics! Have your students read about infographics (types of infographics, purposes, elements of infographics), then create their own, using an array of clipart, headings, and information. 


Here's the kicker: I included information about our solar system's planets but did not specify which planet it belongs to. They will have to do their research using the sites that I provided. 


This resource includes: 

  • A guide to using this resource
  • Infographic information + links to examples 
  • A graphic organizer where they organize their notes 
  • A link to a resource on Google Slides includes various types of clip art and information. (Inquiry-based learning assignment, learn your planets/create an infographic)
  • Suggestions for research (reliable sources)
  • Success criteria and a rubric for a project (create your infographic). 


Your students have the option to do it on paper as well. You can have them download the Google Slide and open it in PowerPoint if you don't have the required technology to do it online. 


This resource can be used for a Science mark (Grade 6) or a reading comprehension/media literacy mark for grades 6-8.

Grade 6 Ontario Science - Earth And Space Unit Workbook + Activity Bundle

C$6.49 Regular Price
C$5.19Sale Price

    6th, Homeschool


    Science, Earth Sciences, Other (Science)


    Unit Plans, Activities


    PDF - PPT


    74 pages

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